The World Health Organization (WHO): published a study in 1987 stating that the magnetic strengths typically used in magnetic therapy do not have any detrimental effect on the human body.
The health of any country determines that country's wealth. This ˜health' includes both physical health of all people and the mental health of all people. Physical health is to check that all the people are not affected by disease (free of disease) and to ensure all are fit. Mental health is to check that there is no poverty, hunger, economic explo.....

The simplest and most traditional definition of health is that it is the freedom of sickness and diseases. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), a branch of the United Nations, health is physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease. Next to life itself, good health is the most precious gift and is necessary for a purposeful existence.

'Sound mind in a sound body' is an old saying. Healthy persons can work for long hours without getting tired. They can enjoy all the pleasures of life, whereas unhealthy persons can't. The world has no charm for them. They are always worried due to their physical complications.

Laughter is the best medicine of good health. So, we should keep calm by overcoming anger, greed, fear, envy and enmity. Life of a healthy man is his long lasting wealth. It makes him able to enjoy life to the full.

Elf Main moto is our society keep healthy and wealthy life style with full enjoyment. don't forget our health is our first wealth but for mainten of this wealth we want to earn more wealth with easy way.

our health product Magnetic bracelets give health benefits and relieve arthritis pain by improving an affected person's blood circulation. This promotes circulation in affected areas, which have a positive polarity. With more blood comes more oxygen, reducing the inflammation and lessening the pain.

The health of any country determines that country's wealth.
"So many people spend their health gaining wealth,
and then have to spend their wealth to
regain their health."
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